Lion is no longer king of the OS jungle. Believe it or not Apple has just announced another OSX update - Mountain Lion “coming this summer”. I feel like a broken record on the OSX previews. Once again the “upgrades” are centered around iPhone and iPad users. Lion adopted gestures, apps, and many other things from iOS, and Mountain Lion is doing the same thing.
It seems like most of new features mentioned have to do with actually connecting to iPhone and iPad users. With Mountain Lion, Mac computer users can connect with iOS users and send messages, reminders, notifications, etc. Also, Mac computers can now hook up with iOS gamers via the Game Center. As a non-iPhone user, I guess I can finally stop playing “Words Without Friends” and get in on the real thing. hahah. OSX Mountain Lion will feature AirPlay Mirroring like the iPad and iPhone, so you can zap that YouTube video or PowerPoint presentation from your computer to your TV.
Having just started working with OSX Lion this week, this news is really not that exciting for me. Maybe its because I’m bitter. Just yesterday I sent Apple a feedback email about skrewing up my Exposé/Hot Corner workflow I had used for years. (actually dating back to OS9 with the Window Monkey plugin) Anyways, we shall see what happens. With a new iPad coming out next month, this will only add to the 2012 Apple hype.
If you would like some more info, here is a link to the Apple Mountain Lion page:
for those that are attention deficit, illiterate, or just plain lazy here is a Video preview:
Just saw this on the Mountain Lion Features page. hahah! Title should read, “China: our new target demo”
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